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  1. Not the same model but once in a while mine will do that and it just a simple driver missing in windows. So i made sure i had the display plugged into the Pc. Also just a full system shutdown and restart got it working right again. I never had to find a driver for it as it just uses the Generic PNP Monitor Driver that comes with windows 11. Also i will get instead of a crop where it just shows vertical lines for 1/3 the screen and the rest is black. Again just a driver issue that requires a restart.
  2. Worst part is i could see someone still buying this lol
  3. I don't really have to the time to shrink and make custom sizes for everyone. But i do post these more as templates then finished products and the ones i post i don't care if you change sizes or edit them and rerelease them for someone else. Once you download it and import it all the files you need to edit will be located in the finalwire sensor panel folder. located in C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme\SensorPanel The only thing you really need to edit is the picture size to change it from 1024x600 to your 800x480. You can do that online easily. The gadgets shouldn't really need any changing except under the individual settings from within the panel. When you are happy with the results just export it to a new file and it will be saved. Best of luck ask questions if you need to.
  4. you could just take each one and using that link i posted earlier for ezgif.com for gif files and ect. or for just the color of the current file go to the folder with the current pictures and edit them and then replace as custom images. Here is where the files are held C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme\SensorPanel once you save a sensor panel the ones in this folder will be replaced. So you might want to rename them when you done changing them. Here is a website that i used to change the color of mine. C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme\SensorPanel Also if you bought any other version of Aida64 replaced that version with the one listed in the directory link. So AIDA64 PRo ect. Note if you choose say black it will change all the color of the black in the image to the new color. So be careful if you only want part of the image that is black to change color. You might have to change in photoshop or gimp or something. SO with mine i changed my white to black and my Bright Green to Neon Blue and the dark green to dark blue. For each one took just seconds once you know what you are doing.
  5. Just had a little fun thought this would be cool to someone. The File is here it has a hidden image that i find rather cool.. Kame House.sensorpanel
  6. i wish they would allow the gif files and also audio files to be used. Would be nice to have an audible sound go off when temps are getting to high. Again if you want to break down a gif to use as a picture see my earlier post on this and it shows how to tells you have to change backgrounds to see through and change from gif to png split files easily
  7. I was just seeing if there was any other profit sites for sensor panels but i found one that looks well put together but it is good. As i don't really see any from our post that are listed it looks like the guy has been making his own and selling not only panels with brackets but with some premade sensors of his own. Here check out what is on the site if you see anything that is yours let us know. Hardware Monitor - Lamps (lamptron.com)
  8. Holy crap i actually followed what you were talking about. Never even thought of trying that. great job we need a video of it working lol.
  9. They could do that but would spend all there time just chasing each and every pop up fake account used. This is why piracy is so hard to really crack down on and its only chased to the sources verse the people who download and use it. Best practice is only share to people who pm you and only post stuff you don't mind being used by others or maybe even sold. Most of what i posted was rough so they would have to still go in a fix things or edit things before it is a finished product. Also you would notice my numbering i would post version 4 but not 1,2,3 or 5. Those i will keep for myself because they are finished and 100% genuine.
  10. you will have to split up the post or put into zip file and compress the heck out of it but easier to just split the post up. I put the pictures then i put up the files or just do one picture with file then another post with the next ect
  11. There is some of them that you just want to have a one of a kind and i get that.. I shared some of mine but some of them i will probably never post the config file but maybe will show. Its hard if you have spent hours just tweaking it the way you want it just to see 50 other people rocking the same thing. I'd be pissed off if i seen my hard work get show cased on a youtube channel or magazine without a mention because they changed the color of it or something stupid. So i know why not to put the files out there
  12. some use double side clear tape. Or a stand or if you got one that has the screws in the back you can just mount it where one of your back fans would go. I have mine on a stand in front of my 2k gaming monitor. It only blocks some of the bezel not the screen. i did find for mine it was better to use a thin hdmi cable https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B082X7HJY9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 not the flat and to use a pivoting hdmi adaptor on the screen it self so i can get that display to stay still and not have the cable showing at all. This is the adaptor https://www.amazon.ca/GELRHONR-Rotating-Converter-Camcorder-Card(Black)/dp/B08GQ7CXYJ/ref=sr_1_52?crid=4OOEOMPAD5KM&keywords=90+degree+hdmi+adapter&qid=1648361291&sprefix=90+degree+hdmi+adapter%2Caps%2C59&sr=8-52#customerReviews I got it from my local computer store not from amazon but it the same thing basically. Either way you mount it just make sure if it has an open back with circuit board that you make sure that doesn't touch metal as it will short. So use stand off's like what is found on the motherboard to keep it away from the metal. Here is the screen i got and if i mount in my case where the back fan goes i will use stand offs to do this. Also if you take the back fan out make sure you have enough exhaust elsewhere like the top. Screen https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B08RHXP9J4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Stand off kit https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07TP2YYQB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Here is internal power cable https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B01MXMZL49/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Or for outside to turn screen on and off easily use this https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00BWF5U0M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 best of luck.
  13. you can make this somewhat transparent from preferences >> sensorpanel >> transparency set value higher to make more see though and lower to see more background. Its if you still want to see it while playing games or working on things. Also there is an option there to set to always be on top you would have to enable that but it might not allow you to click on that side of the game unless you turn off the click function which is somewhere i just don't remember. Outside that it looks nice and polished. Can you also list what size this is so if someone does download it they will know the scale on your pc and what the Pixel dimensions are. Thanks
  14. Here are a few webpages that will help you edit things faster. I am trying to take a gif and convert it to use for a gauge. So here is a website https://ezgif.com/split that breaks the gif down into each part and then saves it as a png and you can just download all as a zip file instead of individual. Then from there you just pick the 16 stages you want to use from the gif and now you have a new gauge. Works great so far. Just hard figuring out what to use so it is constantly changing verse stuck in one state. So far best i found is either utilization or Download Upload rates. ezgif-5-7ad350c518-gif-png.zip To change the color of gauge easily i found this website https://onlinepngtools.com/change-png-color. I took my gauge from white to Green easily. If you need to change only certain parts of the gauge you will have to go in and do it step by step. Here are some before and after to give you an idea. And I also used Openshell to readd my windows start button to windows 11.. Then took parts of my gif that i broke down to make a custom start button. Here is the tool for start button creator. Windows 7 Start Button Creator.zip Here is the 3 stages of my start button now for each of my start buttons i created. I still need to resize them to fit my screen better. Goku.bmp Vegeta.bmp Vegeta 2.bmp
  15. Make sure you have your panel size set correctly under preferences and senor panel. Also make sure you don't have scaling on within windows under your display. That tends to mess a lot of people up. I edit mine on my main screen then drag it over to my sensor screen to make sure it still looks right as I go. Make sure your image is the correct size if you need to resize it just use one of the online editors.
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