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Miicker last won the day on August 4 2024

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  1. I am not going to make it, since I am not using my screen vertical, you can create it yourself if you want.
  2. Since the creator has nog logged in for a long time, I changed the sensorpanel myself. @Lucas S. Bezerra is the original creator, so all props to him. Here is the 1920x480 variant. During load: During idle: Sensorpanel file: clean panel.sensorpanel
  3. I know this is an old post, but out of all the sensorpanels, this is by far the best one. Would it be possible to make a 1920*480 (horizontal) one?
  4. @Lucas S. Bezerrait looks really good! I would love one in 1920*480, is it available, or are you planning on making one?
  5. I just wanted to share my sensorpanel. I can't take a lot of credit for this. It's one that I found in this forum and that I've tweaked. But I can't find the original, so I can't give the creator credit. Anyway, here it is: It's 1920*480. Some of the items are just text (like total VRAM, GPU Core, and CPU Core) so you have to change those values manually. Here is the sensorpanel file: sensorpanel Miicker.sensorpanel
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