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  1. Can anyone tell me why the sensor panel i had been using all the sudden dont fit my screen anymore its like it got to big for it even the file i had it saved in when i load that up its still to big
  2. my panel i used all the sudden grew bigger for some reason than what my screen was and now its to big for it, i went to the file an re did it all an its still to big any ideas on how to fix that
  3. does anyone have any 720x480 panels?
  4. i messaged u on twitter
  5. okay i got it to work an got it on my sensor panel but does it also stay on the top left of the screen also
  6. should it capture my call of duty frames on the sensor panel or no sense cod already counts fps thru the game
  7. what’s fraps
  8. i did that. can u show me what u did
  9. anyone know why rtss fps isn’t picking up call of duty. it picks up my secondary monitor but not my gaming monitor
  10. it might not pick up Vanguard maybe. idk why it’s not picking up my main monitor. maybe u could help me
  11. i have that on as well. it don’t show up on mine unless i click my secondary monitor as soon as i click on my gaming one it stops showing
  12. ive done that an its not showing up
  13. so its working but only on my second monitor an only while the overlay thing is up on rivaturner
  14. just downloaded it still trying to figure out how to get it on my screen though lol
  15. im trying to get my monitor to read my FPS but i can't figure out how to get it to read it
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