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Everything posted by theGaz

  1. OK then. Guess I better start a PS course! Great site Great people! Cheers Thanks JariKoi
  2. Thanks JariKoi
  3. Thanks for having a look. Clean Dark RGB.psd
  4. Thanks for your help. I cannot select text in upper right corner. I dont think its a text box. I think its all one image. Thanks again.
  5. Need help. Trying to change a panels cpu/gpu name etc. in photoshop but text not updating. Could someone give me a link on this site to modifying panels help. Thanks.
  6. Thanks heaps for your help! I THOUGHT I had it fixed. After setting screen resolution from %225 to %100 and importing again the panel lined up correctly. But when I went back to %225 the panel also increased in size and takes up a quarter of my screen( still lined up though). Some progress anyway. I think I will buy a cheap 2nd screen. Thanks again.
  7. Can you please share to me. thegaz99@gmail.com Thankyou
  8. Need help please! Every 800 x 480 panel Ive downloaded has an issue. The fonts are oversized and out of place. I have set resolution to correct size. Any ideas why the fonts wrong? Thanks
  9. Im only using 480 x 800 screens. Thats whats confusing. Maybe the screens are posted as 480 x 800 but are'nt? I have tried a few. I thought is maybe a setting somewhere im missing.
  10. Hope someone can help me import screens correctly. When ever I import a screen the fonts are always positioned wrong as in pic below. I have tried several and every time they are screwed up. My screen is 480 x 800 and I have set the resolution and locked this. Any ideas? Thanks
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