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Everything posted by xehak58867

  1. 1. It's right. You can use WIN+arrow key also to move browser window and double click to maximize. 2. You can use photoshop or something like this to edit gif image. But changing background of gif is not so easy. Check selecting all file types in open file dialog on import. There is no need to recreate your panel.
  2. You're welcome! Are you open panel via web browser? RemoteSensor it's like web server available on or http://localhost
  3. Download sensorpanel file and open in text viewer. You can find font name in <FNTNAM>FONTNAME</FNTNAM>
  4. RemoteSensor plugin support rslcd (Settings-LCD-RemoteSensor). This mode supports GIF but does not support gauges. btw you can open rslcd in Sensor Panel (choose all file types in open file dialog)
  5. Try it test.rslcd
  6. Denmark font
  7. hi which plugin or LCD support both gif animation and gauges?
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