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  1. I just checked. From the Aida panel I couldn't tell that it was a flamingo. BTW, great shots all around. The b&w of the bear is wicked, but the landscapes are beautiful as well.
  2. I really like the colors - well matched - but not surprising from a photographer way better than how my eye works.
  3. That worked really well. Very much appreciated!
  4. Is there a tutorial or any links that show how this can be done. It's pretty amazing !
  5. I am new to this forum but not that new to Aida. All of these posts are fantastic and it's so hard to decide between very simple and cool (like this one) or complicated with tons of information.
  6. These are fantastic. I used your chip gauges as they are really really good. Thank-you for them and great theme.
  7. I really like this format. I need to maybe look at getting a larger panel!
  8. I have just joined as everyone's panels are inspirational. I particularly like your guages and color scheme. The 3dimensional ones are very eye catching
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