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Everything posted by Dann0

  1. I Think you need to stop with this "like and quote" nonsense and share the file or I will
  2. Delete
  3. For those of you who would like the Material Design in 1024x600, here it is GEFORCE BOLD.TTFGEFORCE LIGHT.TTF Material Design 1024x600 Dan.sensorpanel
  4. Another one I edited. I don't know who the creator is but if you see this, drop a comment. The 2 top panels are unfinished so I just used time and date until I decide what to do with them. 1024x600 Enjoy! Side note: I resized this one from 1024x600 to 800x480 for my son. Again, I don't know who the creator is so if you see this, drop a comment Material Design 800x480 1024x600 Dans Canyon Blue simple.sensorpanel Material Design 800x480 Dan.sensorpanel GEFORCE LIGHT.TTF GEFORCE BOLD.TTF
  5. So I edited my first sensor planel. I didn't create this panel, the credit goes to HAWKRYDER1 and you can find the original panel I used as a template here. This is 1024x600 The original reddevilv1 and mine, abstract teal metal. abstract_teal_metal_sensorpanel.5a3ca338492e8fcd8942c6ab53399137
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