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  1. Ham Radio https://sdrzone.com
  2. No contest since there was no interest. I will see if someone wants to tackle this as a small project for two panels, one vertical and one horizontal 1920x480 with a Radio Theme.
  3. If anyone wants to pretty this up without subtracting any content, I will offer the best design $50 US to the winner for the sensor panel files sent to me privately for exclusive use. The winners work will not be shared or sold with anyone else. It is for an INTEL i9 machine with 2 GPUs, 3 NICs and 14 cores with 28 CPUs. The three gauges for AIO, CPU and Case fan can be changed to something better. Any gauges can be changed, again so long as they are replaced with a gauge or reading. I am a radio enthusiast as demonstrated by the picture below. The final result will go on the machine in the bottom right corner. 1920x480 @100%. I will select a winner on July 22 US 12 CST. You should PM me when you have posted a JPG of your final version. On the 22nd I will pick and pay the winner for the files. When you PM, please include your PayPal email so I can get payment to you if you win. If this works well, I will host another contest for my other machine on the left side. Hoping the designers here will look at this as a competition and way to show off their talent and have some fun!.
  4. This is offered freely, hoping someone will tidy this one up a bit and offer up a nice framed version. 1920x480. The 32CoreI92GPUPanel.sensorpanel info is grouped together for easy moving in groups. I would ask that you leave the 2GPUs and 32cores so that if someone out there wants to mod it they have everything to support a beasty machine.
  5. Just a little chart I made in Excel on how much weight 1% to 100%% moves on a scale of 15 graphics for a gauge. The left side is 0-100 in 5% increments. The right is where I assigned the change on the graphic to closest match the percent on the right. Of course you may have made different choices. Might help newbies making there own gauges. Your welcome to use these, they are super crude and was more of a fun experiment to see if I could successfully create a gauge. Right click on your sensor panel and select sensor panel manager. From there you can pick whatever function you want to assigned your custom gauge to. You can play around a lot in here to choose where you want to apply your gauge. Screenshot below shows you the areas you need to change. Each picture below gets selected to the 15 states. Resist the urge to shorten these graphics, the taller length allowed the built in numbers that Aida displays to land center of the gauge with a smaller font size. The experts here can chime in as to all the issues or suggesting they see with this. Despite those that have stolen from the free spirit of sharing here, I think we should still share. If you think about it, that is how all this grew.. building atop others work! Cheers!
  6. Its coming along, learning to build my own gauges.. makes you really appreciate what the kind members of this forum gave to us!
  7. Newest Design WIP (work in progress) - still need to work a background and make sure some gauges are hooked to proper sensors.
  8. Anyone have any cool storage guages or graphs?
  9. Tried two different sellers here to get a custom panel made, one was too busy and the other offered many other panels made by others here. About $20-30US to buy one of your panels already posted at one point for free out ofthe spirit of sharing. Some of you have even made different sizes for those asking for free. Totals BS and I encourage you all to not support these people trying to scalp others hard work! Just my two cents. I decided to take what has been generously donated and mod it into what I wanted. Will it take time and hard work? Yup! But it's better than supporting thieves! I have two different panelsI want to make, one 1920x480 and one 480x1920, different themes. Cheers to those who share and thumbs down to those that seek to profit off the hard work of others! Special thanks to whoever NTZ is, I liked your guages! I am customizing a lot beyond the guages to add much more detail I personally desire! Who knows, maybe someone will share something even more appealing to me, this is the beauty of this form and those who aren't daunted by pirates!
  10. Then I see a full blown evolved example of it on page 149. in the case. so looks like we need to go back further. And now I see it way backl on page 84 And here as well. page 76 And alas I give up other than to say I did find a page with the gauges, however, I don't recall where, however that's how I suspect it evolved. They took the gauges that are an identical match to those posted and this sort of layout above ands mashed them together. This really appeared as a dark version first then someone made the white versions.
  11. The first seed of this I saw so far is on page 144, it certainly evolved from there. It may not have a single user to attribute ownership.
  12. Enjoying all the cool new panels being posted! I don't really have a stake in the topic of selling vs sharing as the two panels I posted were built off the work of others and augmented a lot with my own added efforts. My fascination lies with being able to see all my cores working and what programs use all of them and which don't. I was RARing a large file yesterday and amazed to see it using all my cores. Generally each person will decide to post them for free or sell, the choice lays with the poster. Moderation here doesn't seem to care one way or the other either. So why not leave it at that? I think if someone steals your work and you noted in your posting of your work that you forbid resale then that's another matter. Call them out as others have here. As a photographer I simply copyrighted my work each year and that helped. It still didn't stop it from getting stolen and used in galleries in other countries where its too expensive and difficult to pursue legally. You can always PM someone if you really see something you must have if its not been shared. If someone wants to pay for a size or customization, seems fair to me. I do happen to think there is a definite market for these that is an opportunity for talented panel developers. I prefer the spirit of OpenSource for this forum. I will share what I build since I wouldn't have the panels I do, the way I like them if not for others here. Thanks goes to all who give of their talent and time here! I hope regardless of whether you decide to share or not, you continue to show off your awesome work here! Latest build.... the funny thing about my rebuild is the machine benchmarks lower than it did before which is insane. It seems comfortable and stable now overclocked at 45%. Thasnks for the shares sensor panel, love it but also hope to build one of my own soon .
  13. GodZillaV12.sensorpanel
  14. Awesome! My new case and motherboard came, so worth the minor upgrade. And I splurged on a RTX 3080 TI. Its up and running, however, I am going to start fresh with a new Windows 11 Workstation build and use the opportunity to restructure my data layout on the hard Drives. Massive backup under way! I need to order another vertical display panel today to so I can mount it like the other. New CPU chiller is rocking, measly 21C now. Pictures later in the week after its all done and buttoned up.
  15. Sensor Build for my older PC which I have decided after the AMD Ryzen Build to hold off on a new Intel build for a year or two to get some more milage from the i9 I bought when they first came out. Get in perhaps on the next gen super enthusiast CPU. New case and MB arrive later this weekend, will be fun to migrate over and see if I can eek more performance out of it all! I have to say I am extremely impressed with the AMD 5950X ASUS build. Performance Test 10 shows the PC as 99th Percentile. Never seen a 9000 + score before. The system is sooooo stable and fast! Boots Windows 11 Pro Workstation in 2 seconds. So here is the panel for the old system and file if interested. 2022-03-31_sensorpanel.6db75cf08bc9bb8488808b34ba73de2b
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