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Everything posted by 775-4_3.4G+

  1. Just a couple of quick comments on an awesome feature called "Sensor Panel"..... Would it be possible, when duplicating a sensor item or importing a layout, to reference to the hardware monitoring preferences on the temperature units? It always tends default to "°C" regardless if "Fahrenheit" is selected in the hardware monitoring preferences. The ability to change font colors based on values similar to changing the bar colors would be nice. I would like to the ability for a "Maths" channel function where I can display averages and deltas, or whatever other calculations I want to do. And I have no problem with the multi-graph option mentioned above. I use Motec race analysis software on a regular basis, so I don't think you could make it that difficult to configure (but that's just me). Other than that, it works near flawless (it occasionally doesn't connect to TMSv2.x at system start-up resulting in no TMS information, but restarting AIDA64 fixes this. Could be the TMS serial drivers taking their time, but I'm not too sure. Happens about 15-20% of the time.) Thanks in advance! Great program!
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