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Jing Fu

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  1. yes, i do it. thank you
  2. OMG! YES!!! Great job! thank you so much!! now i try. i have 2 hour of rest.
  3. i like , simple. you can add two sensor temp, vrm temp, chipset temp, 980pro temp,water pump rpm for me please? for 800x600 panel, please
  4. i ilke , simple. you can add two sensor temp, vrm temp, chipset temp, 980pro temp,water pump rpm for me please? for 800x600 panel, please.
  5. Hi everyone, im new. i have a external 7inch 800x600 display. i want use it for aida64 sensor panel, but i don't know from where to start, and how. Someone kind soul here can help me, or simply share your panel. My PC specs are, GIGABYTE X570 AORUS ULTRA RYZEN 5900X EVGA RTX3080 FTW ULTRA BALLISTIX 3600CL16 32GB SAMSUNG 980 PRO 1TB FULL LIQUID CUSTOM, also on 980 pro and x570 chipset. TWO SENSOR TEMP, ONE LIQUID and ONE FOR INTERNAL CASE. I need these info on panel: RYZEN 5900X temp, frequence, vcore,usage. RTX3080 temp, frequence, vcore, gpu power watt,usage. RAM FREQUENCE, USAGE AND FREE. two sensor temp, vrm temp, chipset temp, 980pro temp,water pump rpm, network DOWN and UP. system time. because work all day, no have time to customize the monitor, and sincerely I DON'T KNOW how to customize. someone have many time to customize for me? please.
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