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chriscand last won the day on May 18 2022

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  1. Hi tacosplease, can you explain this in more detail? I still don't understand. thx..
  2. Sorry Julian_W, I'm just back online, since a week or two weeks ago Total steps 16 x 6 = 96. But what appears on the gauge is 15 x 6, because in each section a blank step is always inserted as a value of 0 (6 x blank)
  3. This gauge runs on AIDA64. The gauge is made by stacking 6 gauges into one, for one sensor. Each one gauge is set with each minimum and maximum range
  4. Template for Tron V2 sensorpanel 1060152778_TronV2.rar
  5. Tron V2-1024x600
  6. As Exhumed says, you can find a more suitable background... 1906441551_1024x600-TronVer-1.sensorpanel
  7. Yes, that's right Exhumed :D, I just finished this design and then I uploaded it, I haven't had time to find the right background. This background is the one I used in a previous project. Thanks for your sharp eyes and your comments. Thanks for the link...
  8. Yes, that's right Exhumed :D, I just finished this design and then I uploaded it, I haven't had time to find the right background. This background is the one I used in a previous project. Thanks for your sharp eyes and your comments. Thanks for the link...
  9. Yes, that's right Exhumed , I just finished this design and then I uploaded it, I haven't had time to find the right background. This background is the one I used in a previous project. Thanks for your sharp eyes and your comments. Thanks for the link...
  10. Tron theme 1024x600 sensorpanel
  11. Spiderman theme 1024x600 sensorpanel
  12. 1289599493_GreenFace-1024x600.sensorpanel
  13. Simple 1024x600 sensorpanel.
  14. 1024x600 sensorpanel, using custom gauges from pppet, Mrmike, Jhefferson, Stove
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