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subzerosv last won the day on March 28 2023

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  1. Almost finished my 1024x768 Panel Mashup.
  2. Hi there! I went ahead and did my own modifications to DeadRat theme now for 800x480. Thank you guys for sharing. 800x480 CASIO STYLE.sensorpanel
  3. NiCE, hoping you will share it
  4. Thank you, very nice work!
  5. Will you share it?
  6. please share when you have it finished, looks great
  7. Please share
  8. When I load your file, the gauges don't load, do I need something else? thank you for your help
  9. Could you share with me the PSD files please? Thanks in advance.
  10. Could you share it please?
  11. Yeah, I noticed that too. Apparently "Utilization" is predominantly used in US American English (en-US) while "Utilisation" is predominantly used in GB British English (en-GB), that's way I left it that way.
  12. Thanks, made my own version based on yours 800x480 Happy with my first try.
  13. Can you do 800x480 versión? Also interested on NZXT and ROG panels from you. AMAZING work!!!
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