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Raymond David Smith Jr.

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Everything posted by Raymond David Smith Jr.

  1. Installed this beta selected windows work around. Couple hours later windows said it wasn't activated. Been messing with it hours. Windows tech support took remote access to my computer and still couldn't figure it out. Not saying it's related to this. Don't know for sure. I didn't do nothing else except play mw2 a hour or so. So the timing is suspect. Anyways now it looks like I'm gonna have to format and fresh install to activate windows again. Strange. I wouldn't recommend this beta. Whatever caused it. Gonna cost me days of time. It is a windows workaround. Not sure what they changed exactly.... but here we are. Never had this problem before.
  2. I did figure out a work around for this... if you dont mind going into the bios and changing voltage from adaptive which is the stock intel setting out of the box to static/override. itll keep the voltage the same all the time but wattage will scale like it's supposed to. I was testing overclocking on my i712700k went 5.0 all core and static/override on the voltage 1.29v which is a slight undervolt actually and now aida 64 reports correctly... atleast way more correct than it use to be. it's always within 10% of windows task manager assuming that is correct.. edit: just seen this beta... id rather get it working using that.. adaptive is more efficient im sure... forget what i said use the beta.. edit 2: after extracting beta and going back to adaptive voltage in bios which is stock and gaming (witcher 3) cpu usage never got above 5%... not even loading into windows etc... went back to bios and changed back to override/static voltage and aida 64 is working as intended again.. correct cpu usage. so the beta isnt really working for me. the usage always reported correctly on like synthetic benchmarks and fake loads but never correct usage on every day task... just a fyi Edit 3: I'm a bot. I didn't check the box in settings to enable the work around.
  3. Any word on this. Getting ridiculous. Paying for premium products and no fix in months
  4. i would like the msi one
  5. I dont know whose red white and black panel this was originally to give credit but i changed it for MSI and Some other thing's my resolution is 4k the panel is 1280x720. I blurred out my IP address for obvious reasons... 2022-06-02myred.sensorpanel
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