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Everything posted by mol

  1. Thank you for a such detailed explanation. Looks like I need to watch to the Used Video memory parameter. I was confused why this value differs from the GPU Used Dedicated memory value and why the GPU Used Dynamic memory isn't equal to 0 inspite of there is still a lot of free video memory. Now I think that NVAPI is more accurate than D3DKMT calls
  2. Could you explain what do all of the following parameters mean: GPU Used Dedicated Memory, GPU Used Dynamic Memory, Used Video Memory, Free Video Memory. Looks like the two last params show used\free physical graphic memory. But what do the GPU dedicated memory and GPU dynamic memory show? Thank you in advance.
  3. It's a pity I hope you will find some way to implement this functionality. But what is the problem? AIDA shows GRAM size and shows the used GRAM memory in MB. Looks like that it is easy to calculate a percentage of the used memory.
  4. Is it possible to add monitoring for this parameter? AIDA monitors CPU, GPU and RAM utilization in percents, but for the Dedicated Graphic memory it shows only using in MB. It would be very useful to see GRAM utilization in percents.
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