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Sosa Joey

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Everything posted by Sosa Joey

  1. I tried downloading one and using it but kept having sizing issues they were too big even when the display size was 800x480 as mu display so I figured I try my own and see how it went bit by bit. It is definitely doable not very hard once you start tinkering with it and I also wanted to be a bit different not as static although mine does not have any custom icons that is to much work in my opinion I think I managed to do a nice one, I have done some very small tweaks and will change a bit once a change my Graphics card to Radeon but it will be 90% as it is now. Hope someone likes it and takes the idea and takes it to another level. I have a ITX and decided to go with a 5" 800x490 screen with a live background. 1217526428_LiveSensorPanel800x480.mp4 My Sensor Panel.sensorpanel
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