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J.H last won the day on July 15 2022

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  1. Hey there, which particular design you have and want in 1920 x 1200? I think all I need to do is refit the background and other gauges for you to move around?
  2. Thanks for your suggestion! My pump is connected to via PWM header W_PUMP+ Header but it doesn't show up in AIDA64. So far I enabled Corsair's Commander Pro's sensors in AIDA64 but not all 12 is showing up, only about 9 (I forget).
  3. Hi guys, First time around trying this out. Here's a altered version of one I picked from this forum. It's made 1280 x 720 Using Corsair Commander and has only detected 6 fans of 11. Haven't found Water bump RPM as yet (connected to Asus x299 Prime Deluxe Motherboard), therefore no monitoring on fans and cooling as yet.
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