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Everything posted by Atreax

  1. Resident Evil UMBRELLA corp. Theme. 800x480 By @ben_setup_it Wallpaper engine in back With 20% transparency. Thx @guedjkevin_fr for custom brain ! He share zip custom gauge for the forum, for personal use only ! RECUSTOMBRAIN@guedjkevin_fr.zip ben_setup_it RE UMBRELLA 5.sensorpanel
  2. Wow good job ! Can you share your custom gauge ? i love it !
  3. ben_setup_it RE UMBRELLA 2.sensorpanel
  4. Hi ! I post my first try on AIDA64 for my 800x480 7" screen. Resident Evil Umbrella Corp. I will work on futur new frame... I use WallpaperEngine for back screen with 50%transparency in AIDA64 . Just find UMBRELLA in work shop for many different style of this wallpaper. Licker OC and licker come up when CPU OC ben_setup_it RE UMBRELLA.sensorpanel UP DATE with new frame and more. ben_setup_it RE UMBRELLA 2.sensorpanel
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