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  1. How did you get it to play that gif? looped video?
  2. oh lol, i havent a clue as how top do any of that. im using a fallout style one, and in order to make the things i need, i am just copy and pasting the graphs that are here already. *most* of the stuff the people here make are incredible because i have no idea what im doing.
  3. that looks absolutley incredible! if it could be made into 1024x600, id love to use it.
  4. if i set it up for the aida program, yes the commander pro is useless for settign fan speeds. Even with out the commander, the fans still run at a set speed anyway.
  5. thank you
  6. you have fan speeds listed there. I have corsair fans, I know corsair and aida64 don't work together, but I read that if I turn icue off, that aida64 would then be able to read fan speeds through the commander pro. On my panel, I will have a random second of a fan reading, but never constant. How do I get a constant feed?
  7. Are all of these custom skins with their unique gauges, bars and whatnot able to be used? Like if i wanted to take a specific thing from one, can i just do it? Or does the person need to specifically make it so that happens?
  8. How do i do that? I barely know how to add the widgets.
  9. I have doubts, but is this the fallout one i posted, and you being the good samaritan you are, enlarged it?
  10. Can anyone help me in some form to extend this file so that it goes up to 1024x600? I know nothing of this wizardy. Pipboy Final v1.sensorpanel
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