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DavyDee last won the day on January 26 2023

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  1. This has no effect for me. However: it seems with DDR5 VDDIO could actually be VDIMM - can anyone confirm this? (Observed on Asus X670E Extreme, with G.Skill DDR5-6000C30, and AIDA64 6.88.6426 Beta)
  2. It's the Roccat Vulcan Pro. And while we're on the topic, thought to share (if allowed by the new rules, not sure) that I made a video on how I embedded that sensor panel of mine into my desk - it's in German, but YouTube has some great auto-translation. Not selling it or the design, don't worry. Just here to get and share ideas, so others can be inspired and inspire me. And I sincerely hope, that spirit will continue in this forum & thread.
  3. As a follow up to my post last year, wondering what you guys think of my Xmas project to embed this panel into - yes, literally into - my desk. Let me know what you think.
  4. Perfect, thank you - I was already wondering as HWinfo also supports it. Works well now!
  5. Hello all, many DDRx modules have a temp sensor inside (example: G-Skill). Would be great if those could be read out. Thx Davy
  6. Yes - I just decided to call today's version my final one (for the near future). So great timing of yours! Davy based on Orac Red - 2022-09-25.sensorpanel
  7. Thank you so much @Knetjester for this piece, and especially for sharing! Below is my WIP to adapt this to 1920x480 and my custom loop design. Still need to work to live up any close to the great use of real estate on the display. But hey, everyone starts somewhere. So thanks again, Davy
  8. Can you share this please? Looks fresh may wanna port it to a different display size (and share again). Thx!
  9. What is the biggest file(s), images, psd? Try 7zip.
  10. Just one word.... "WOW"!!!
  11. Hi! Wow.... what a long thread, and how inspirational it is! Thank you everyone for sharing your pieces and ideas for synapses and even more of it. Below is my 1st Sensor Panel... or say my 1st one for AIDA64 (been using GOverlay). Based on, and thus thanks much to the creators of CleanWhite, CleanDark, and WhiteVertical. 1920x480 @ 100% scaling. Font is Calibri except headlines in the background. Feedback very welcome, let me know what y'all think. It is a WIP, and thanks to this thread new ideas coming almost every day (for the good and the bad) ;-) Not sure where to place the panel - in the build or in front of the monitor? Cheers Davy
  12. Awesome - care to share?
  13. I'm literally blown away.... wow ... how cool is that... looks like directly out of the NSA ;-)
  14. This is just awesome, so clean! Any chance to get a 1920x480 version?
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