Finally decided to sit down and fully do up my sensor panel, basically just modified this old one by @Rolenko, he said his was a modified version by @Earl Cloyd Valenzuela but I couldn't find any posts of that member so idk as far as credit goes in this case...
Also grabbed various icons from some panels I found here from @philipfreire
Anyways I have a 1280x400 screen so not too many templates for that size so decided I needed to modify one that I liked for my panel. For the longest time I was just using one that was set for like 600x480 and just had some of it off screen cause I was too lazy lol.
A little info for those looking to use it
size: 1280x400
scaling used: 100% (Saw this pop up from time to time so thought I'd add it in since it was an issue for me. If your main monitor isn't at 100% scaling, find Aida64 in your program files, right click aida64.exe and open Properties > Compatibility > Change high DPI settings > activate "Override high DPI Scaling behavior Scaling performed by:" and set it to "System")
font name: VoxRoundWide-Bold
FPS is from RTSS
other stuff
- the bars coming out of the CPU gauge are all of the 20 threads my cpu has so you'll probably have to tweak those to fit your needs if you do use it, a few tips, you can change the size of the bars if you need more or less of them (modify > bar > height), to position them you can hold down ctrl when selecting items and move them all at the same time, also I used PS to get the rounded effect on those bars so you'll probably have to make a mask from the bg that fits over your bars if you want the rounded bars... gl
- the sound visualizer I'm using at the bottom is from using Rainmeter, the skin is called monstercat visualizer iirc
Thanks to everyone who posts here it's really nice to be able to get ideas and sensors to use even if you have to sift through 500 pgs of stuff lol