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J0K3R5 last won the day on April 25 2023

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  1. Bin ICUE and use FanControl + OpenRGB
  2. Ultimate Sensor Panel Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIhv-_c-Pas
  3. BH33, well done
  4. Modded version of the popular skin by JariKio Size 600x1024 2023-03-16.sensorpanel Untitled-1.psd
  5. Screen size: 1024x600 120 step gauge, accurate as I could get it by 1 degree. Pins / screws / bubble line are all removable for cleaner look. PSD supplied, do as you wish with it, it just an experiment for me. Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1smXU_m2_ua_SRLD97UD5G0BUHnTp7ftI?usp=share_link
  6. A quick panel to test out my temps and fans settings. 1024 x 600 space-1024-600.sensorpanel
  7. In the process of making mine aswell 1024 x 600
  8. Found this on aliexpress. Anyone on here designed it or got it to share, before I make my own.
  9. Do what you please with it. Has 2 styles of dial hand / 2 styles of chrome outer ring and few styles of coloured gauge template 360pixels.psd
  10. I thought I seen this before : https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/319685273559439083/
  11. "Temps 'n' Fans" Default size - 700x1920 31 images for the round gauges. 16 images for the bar gauges. All photoshop files supplied in the download link. The fans are set to my motherboard / fan speeds. Ive setup the layout, so you can turn off all the fans section. Have a play and see what you can do with it. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zzAauVZpduaQofHmEviKxBocU9OyACCA?usp=share_link
  12. Icue is a pile of junk and clashes with too many programs. Uninstall icue and replace with 2 programs called openRGB +fancontrol. Move the fans 4pins connectors from the commander and put them on your motherboard fan pwm headers, splitters or hubs might be required if too many fans. Your commander will only be used to power the pump + power to argb on the fans. This is how Ive set mine up - 13 fans.
  13. You make your own, ones that others have made. Then select "custom" under gauges
  14. Testing 32 step gauge I know its a huge gauge 700x700. Its for showing members on how to do it. test32.sensorpanel
  15. But it disappears. You set at the first the values e.g. 0 - 50 and have your 16 png, then at the second you also start at 50 and set as first a transparent empty png and so the problem is solved. https://forums.aida64.com/topic/667-share-your-sensorpanel/page/287/
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