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Everything posted by bent98

  1. Im trying to design a new sensor panel for a taller screen. Everytime I try to drag panel template to bottom windows snaps it back to the top of the template. Any way around this?
  2. I wish AIDA64 sensor panel would support animated GIF. It would be cool to have animated fans spinning and rainbow effect changing color on the borders. I am wondering if theres a way to make an sensor gauge for the fan and map it to something reading that changes a lot to make it look like its spinning?
  3. thanks to all. It took many hours of tweaking
  4. Here is a version with rainbow frame. Thanks to asendedazn for frame sensorpanel rainbow v1.7 FINAL.sensorpanel
  5. It already is 1024x600. Thats what I am running
  6. Special thanks too Asendedazn for helping port some of the rainbow graphs.
  7. Do you have Kraken AIO? If not, you wont see anything. If you do or you have another brand AIO than you may have to change it in the sensor manager. AIDA64 detects mine as Temperature#1
  8. As requested. Enclosed is my Sensor Panel. Enjoy Rainbow v1.6 FINAL Bent98.sensorpanel
  9. yes. Ill post it when Im home
  10. I think she's done.
  11. I spent a few more hours with this. I got the layout where I want it. I need help with two things: 1)The network icon's Grey color is slightly darker from the rest of the icons in the theme. I need someone to help match it and make it slightly bigger. 2) I'd love to make the liquid water graphic transparent and then have someone make color graphic in that shape to fill it up similar to how the CPU temp was done. 3) I need to convert all the bars to rainbow colors. I know there is someone who can help out there, please PM me. Thanks!
  12. I spent the whole day modding this one and cleaning it up for my application. It came out pretty good for a 600x1024. I need someone whos better at editing graphics than me. Enclosed is a pic of the panel, WIP file, and what my computer looks like. I'd like to get ALL the bar graphs rainbow color to match the computer. Also, I couldn't figure out what font this template uses. Its blank. When I added the temps for DIMM2 and 4, it forced me to select a font. It wouldn't let me leave it blank. How do I get the numbers to match the rest of the template? Trying to learn . I'd appreciate the help. Rainbow example below. 2022-12-19.sensorpanelRGBv9.sensorpanel
  13. Wondering if anyone could please help me add rainbow bars to this sensor panel? 2022-12-18.sensorpanel white final.sensorpanel
  14. Do you have a 600x1024 version?
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