Well-spoken! Along these lines:
Hello Aida64 community.
It's nice that this forum exists, and that FinalWire offers such a great way to display PC information in such a nice way.
Until today I was only a "silent observer" in this forum. I’ve only looked at the various Aida panels and downloaded some that I liked or that seemed suitable for my purposes.
In the meantime, I know how it works and can assemble panels - according to my own aesthetic and technical requirements.
Here I would share the first one I am really happy with it.
Using a "minimalist" panel from a member here on the forum. Thanks for that!
I wanted only the (to me) most important information, no frills, clear, in the smallest space (800x480).
I hope someone will like it.
no tchotchkes1(800x480).sensorpanel no tchotchkes2(800x480).sensorpanel