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  1. these are great, rotate 90 degrees?
  2. Love these. The black one works well for me. Any chance of a 1920x480? Any then maybe another but stripped back a bit? Thinking just temps really and a FPS counter that's decent sized? Or if you can make that last one black/white or RGB would be sick too
  3. Nice work. Does anyone know how to find fans that aren't connected to a case per say? I'd love to see my fan rpm on my case fans, however, they're attached to a Corsair Commander, so I don't think I can see any of them info wise.
    1. 貢一君



  4. Yes please share this if you don’t mind! Very cool effect.
  5. Liking this! Simple, clean.
  6. @pcrepairvkhave you got the background by itself without the text on it by any chance? And maybe even the gauges as .psd with the layers? That would allow me to edit so much more. also just realised I didn’t switch the text on some of the sensors
  7. Thanks for this. I've edited it slightly, increased some of the sizes and changed it to a greyscale. One thing I did notice was that the font file wasn't in the download. I think it's Orbitron (Orbitron - Google Fonts) though. I also didn't manage to change the background text sadly as it was a flattened image. I'd prefer to use my own labels as I have 2 M.2 drives and no SSD. Still works and looks lovely though. Might give a RGB version a bash. 1322161061_BWROGTheme.zip
  8. absolutely love this! Any chance you could change the purple/blue colour schemes to RGB or greyscale for me please?
  9. Can you import XML files to Sensor Panels?
  10. Hi, Trying to create my own and getting a Access Error when trying to use a JPEG, and when trying to use PNG it's saving incorrectly and making it much larger than my 1920x480 I've created (unsure why this is). Any help? For reference I’ve designed my panel with Adobe Illustrator. Exporting as PNG makes the file massive, while Exporting as .PSD file messes up the layers. Thanks!
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