Hi to all! As new I would like to present my first try of design. I have noticed, that some people got in posession LCD's with reolution 1920x720 and there is a lack of sensor panels for that res. And if there are any, they are pricy. As I have fun designing my design is free.
What I hate in panels? Too many colours, overloaded with graphics, fonts, etc. I need panel, which is easy to read, straightforward and configurable. And here it is- VU panel. You need to install fonts to let it work properly. Fonts also included.
Panel still in progress (eg. network speed bar to be changed to have better fit to the rest of dials...)
DamentionDemoRegular.ttf BauhausRegular.ttf BauhausItalic.ttf BauhausBold.ttf BauhausBoldItalic.ttf bauhauslightbt.ttf