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_EN1GM4x last won the day on March 11

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  1. BETA
  2. Em desenvolvimento
  3. nice... you already have a background, the next step is, color combination
  4. qual painel vc baixou aqui ?
  5. Vc precisa usar as fontes que os criadores utilizaram, geralmente eles disponibilizam junto com o download do arquivo. vc só precisa instalar o arquivo de "fonte" e resolve o problema de letras grandes e fora do lugar.
  6. Simple sidebar HUD 1.0 ~1080 ^ SimpleHUDSidebar1.0.sensorpanel vikingsquadcond.ttf
  7. Quase acabando de terminar, ou de começar .
  8. Minha inspiração em temas, radioativo, alien e alienware. falta muito ainda para terminar.
  9. Infographic HUD 1.0.
  10. Infographic HUD Beta.
  11. unfortunately I discontinued this project because I no longer use the monitor with the reference resolution of this image. I am currently working on another project.
  12. In progress ...
  13. If I could give you a tip, I would change the colors of the information to a different one, for faster reading.
  14. RetroHUD 2.0 is now a little more complete than the compact version. Don't forget to install the additional font if you don't have it. Hope you like it. RetroHUD2.0.sensorpanel digital_7.zip
  15. My first compact version of my "Retro HUD". New updates coming soon. Don't forget to install the additional fonts if you don't have them , hope you like it. RetroHUD_compact1.0.sensorpanel digital_7.zip open_24_display_st.zip Cores.rar
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