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Badger last won the day on May 14 2024

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About Badger

  • Birthday October 23

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  1. The work is nearly done... That view inspired me for the idea Few tries with different gauges... And I've got that 3840x1100 version at 14" panel. I only need to re-adjust scales by few pixels, re-draw some color arrows and add Gauge for the Network speed
  2. And here is square version of Fan Gauge Fan Square.zip
  3. In case nobody wants to deal with GIMP - here is .zip with round version of Fan Gauge Fan Round.zip
  4. As an idea for proud car owners of any make and model. If we have proud owners of old good Cadillac Escalade 3, I am working on making copy of Cadillac Instruments panel as AIDA Panel. That's the original I already created 0-100% Gauge, power and temperature is to be done That's what already working, as testing and POC. More to be done
  5. Ok. Be my guest. You need to open my file in GIMP. It is free software. For those, who did not use GIMP before: 1. You can can make certain Layers visible by clicking on an "eye" symbol on the right. 2. Square frame around the fan also could be switched on and off, depending on your panel design requirements 3. You should do 16 Export as .PNG for every frame of the Gauge, switching additional Layers one by another. At the end you will get 16 files as below. 4. The output of the above would be 1204х1206 frame. Now you can use any simple editors, available at your PC, to resize those pictures to the size you need 5. Don't forget - you can change color and transparency of Layers, if you disagree with my color choice Enjoy and good luck. Fan-work.xcf
  6. I was lucky to get 14" panel which perfectly fits my Corsair 7000. Don't judge the image and current setup - I am still reworking the panel layout as it is now 3840x1100 and waiting for right cables to move panel to the edge of the frame. But I need nothing to engineer - it just fits the case. I was thinking to use flat magnets, but no need, so far.
  7. Does anybody interested in screen elements? I recently found an image of 15 blades fan, which is perfect for Custom Gauge for fan speed. I did it in GIMP and it is easy to change colors, transparency of layers, before creating exports of 16 .png files. Sorry in advance, if I use a wrong thread of that forum
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