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  1. 515x1920 ( 515 x 1920 ) DeadpoolRB.sensorpanel
  2. Can you share the sensor panel from cap please?


  3. Problem solved, thanks you
  4. Another issue when i use google chrome my third screen flickers (sensor panel), and even if i close it that persists. I need to restart my pc to resolve it (and dont open google c. if i want to play with the sensor panel screen)
  5. I noticed different or almost non-existent CPU usage ingame with Aida64 (compared to Rivatuner). Has this issue been noticed before ? (Windows 11)
  6. love the sensor panel would u share them?


  7. sure DeadpoolRB.sensorpanel
  8. I got my Hyte Y60 few days ago, and i worked on two sensor panel (the original sp is from BENT98 if i'm not wrong). Well i just show you 515x1920 ( 515 x 1920 ) I still need to work on this last
  9. Thanks you mate, i will try it
  10. Yop Everyone, someone can share a link for 515x1920 panel (Hyte Y60), or tell me where can i find a database. i would like to have something like these two template
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