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  1. i have not the original template, i am asking if someone has
  2. I have been looking for a template of wich i see a lot of pics on the web, but i cant find anywhere to download. I need the 1920x480 size. Can anyone help?
  3. I recently bought this: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0BKH6KMPV?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details I dont even know the name of this product (windows calls it ZEROMOD) . It's a 1920x480 screen. I dont know of any software to control it. I just move above it the aida sensor panel (i dont like the fact that for windows this is a legittimate second monitor, I use it just to display aida info). No template or esle was included in the package. I have 2 iussues with it: - i dont know how to adjust brightness - When i turn the pc off it remains dark but lit. I can manually turn it off but it's not a great option. Anyone can help?
  4. I love AIDA and i would like to know if those two softwares can coexist. I have read that there have been issues in the past. What is the situation now?
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