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  1. Ah ok, thanks. Happy to know it wasn't something my end then. Guess just have to wait and hope that this will happen sometime. Is there anyother way I can see my fans speeds outside of iCue then?
  2. Due the countless issues with iCue and getting nowhere with Corsair support, given up monitoring my AIO via iCue and want to add to Aida Sensor panel. However no matter what I try, I can't get my iCue fans to come up. I have 3 x Corsair fans connected to a Commander Core (AIO) and 5 x Corsair Fans connected to a Commander Core XT. None of them are appearing. I have enabled Corsair support under preferences, started Aida and restarted PC. AIO is in hardware mode and no longer monitored by iCue. I have attached screens of my preferences and listed sensors on Aida. Have also included a USB dump. Any ideas to what I am missing? Have scrolled through other posts and tried some suggestions, but nothing has worked yet. usbdump.txt
  3. Can confirm my monitor is working perfectly since installing this firmware
  4. This is the firmware that they sent me 107837220_8.8inchSideMonitor.zip
  5. Even though I got nothing from here. If anyone is having a similar issue, Waveshare have released two firmware updates for this monitor which appears to have corrected now. Firmware isn't on their website though, they emailed it to me with the software to update the monitor.
  6. Topic not specific to Aida64 but I know a lot of people on this forum use this monitor or other waveshare monitors for their sensor panels. I am using the 8.8 monitor for my sensor panel, however I am having an issue where the monitor only displays a black screen on startup. To get an image on the monitor I have to unplug the USB cable and plug it back in. This is also occurs when the monitor turns off after an hour of inactivity (computer doesn't go to sleep, just monitor turns off). I bring the main monitor back up, but waveshare stays black. On startup and a black screen, I can see that NVIDIA, Device Manager and Windows all recognise that the monitor is plugged in and working. Multiple displays I can see the monitor, just can not get anything to appear. Actions taken so far: - Replaced all provided cables with new ones (HDMI and USB-C) - Tried multiple USB ports - I have reset the graphics drivers - All drivers are up to date (BIOS, Windows, GPU etc) - Uninstalled and reinstalled drivers - Waveshare have my issue on their website and how to resolve. Done these steps a number of times, no luck - Waveshare support provided me with new firmware for monitor that would fix. Did not fix. Waveshare have since gone silent. - Adjust power management. USB power always on Plan is for this monitor to install inside my case, but can't while I can't get it to automatically turn on. Can't not find any information online about this issue. Any one else had this issue or similar? Where does everyone else plug their monitors into eg internal USB with adapter or external? Powered USB hub? Any help or advice would be great, starting to get frustrated with this.
  7. Thanks to those that have messaged me showing interest in my sensor panel. Putting response in here so I don't have to send a number of messages. While I did have a hand in the design by selecting images and fonts, the design work, layout etc was all @Exhumed. In respect for the amount of work and time he put into this design for me, I am not gonna share my sensor panel at this time. Any one interested in it, please approach Exhumed to purchase. @Exhumed if you are selling sensor panel, all that I ask is that you replace the "Sith Phrophesy" text at the top left and right as both lots are actually my details (gamertag etc). Potentially replace with something generic or customised to each customer?? Those wanting to know the fonts, these were (all available online): Asus ROG Font v1.6 Sith Phrophesy Font SF Distant Galaxy Font
  8. Awesome work by @Exhumed Very happy with my sensor panel. Made some minor changes with some of the extra images you provided with the panel. Very much suits my setup and looks great. Thanks again for all your effort and understanding on what I was trying to do.
  9. WoW, nice sensor panel. Am a big ROG fan and in the hunt for something similar. One of the first ROG's ones I have seen that is clean and looks good.
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