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hmfazevedo last won the day on June 23 2023

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  1. If i remember correctly, font is GeForce
  2. New one inspired by 1024x600, font GeForce Orange.sensorpanel
  3. GeForce
  4. No reply, i assume nobody is having this issue. To bad i can't use this feature and that's the whole reason i bought Aida64 ...
  5. New one, don't really know what to do on the top. Enjoy, PSD of the background included in the rar file. 1024x600 1521504713_BlueOrange.rar
  6. Hi guys, My AIDA64 reports between 5 to 10% usage of the cpu when IDLE doing nothing, is this normal ? Tested the last version 6.88.6400 and the last beta version 6.88.6408 too.
  7. Windows theme 1024x600 Font Montserrat Windows.sensorpanel
  8. 1024 x 600
  9. 1175013741_GlassFPS.sensorpanel
  10. New one
  11. I loved your so much i recreated it, i will not share since it's not my work.
  12. Here is mine, original theme is from Lucas S. Bezerra i just made it more suitable to my usage, remove the background gradient and changing color.
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