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  1. you need to change the cpu sensor. It is almost certainly set to cpu diode. To have the same temperature, right click on the temperature shown, edit and change the sensor on the cpu.
  2. Please, forgive me for my ignorance but I don't know how to get out of this tunnel. I have an lcd screen with 640x1024 resolution and I have to put it in my LianLi 011 D XL vertically. No hardware problem but every time I look for a sensorpanel I always have the same problem. That is, when I select it, it appears as in the attached image. The background image looks smaller and off-center. I'm not asking for ready meals but a little help to start figuring out where I'm wrong. Thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience and bad English. EDIT: While waiting for an answer, I started reading the whole thread and after 300 pages I understood the reason for that display error. Unfortunately I have to keep my main monitor layout at 100% as setting the dpi override in the Aida64 settings doesn't work. Despite everything I managed to create my own panel obviously taking inspiration from other creations. I would love to learn how to make one myself from scratch but I don't have the right skills and knowledge. I'm 58 years old and I've lost that mental elasticity needed to concentrate. Thank you all very much for your patience and for the enormous work you do and share. Greetings
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