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Everything posted by harrymac68

  1. Personally, GPU hdmi.
  2. Hi, sorry about the wait, work work work. Anyways, here you are if your still interested. Dark V2.sensorpanel White V2.sensorpanel
  3. These are two variations of a panel that I edited back on page 399 (600x1024). With the 7inch panel being on the rear wall of the Dynamic O11, I need the main info to be seen clearly at a glance.
  4. Excellent work with the use of colour and texture.
  5. Forgive me but I am not as familiar as you guys with either Photoshop or AIda64 at the moment so I am having to re-edit from the time that you guys dedicate to your screens. I wanted a Dark panel and found this fabulous edit from icerx on page 400. So a little time and effort playing around with the panel. This is the end result. Some of the fans info I did not need for my rig which gave me the space to include info that I like to have in a panel and with this resolution being for my 7inch panel I did some messing around with colours to boost the contrast for the smaller fonts to stand out from the background and be easier to see at a glance. I hope that you dont mind icerx. Simple Darkness.sensorpanel
  6. Thanks for the info xmanrigger, I guess thats why the aida element is called RTSS
  7. This particular panel has been covered many times, and to all those who have contributed, many thanks. This is just my taste on this wonderful panel that goes well in a dark or white system. Just a little tweaking here and there. Sadly, the PSD is too large to post on here so the link is included. Google drive for the PSD file if needed. VERT PANEL 600X1024.sensorpanel
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