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Everything posted by DangerMF

  1. I recently purchased an ROG Ryujin II 240. For those unfamiliar with the unit it's just a CPU AIO with a 320px x 240px lcd screen on it. It comes with some stock sensor fearures through the Armory Crate software. However it also came with a free year of AIDA 64. I couldnt find a whole lot of literature on how to integrate AIDA 64 with the unit. Especially when it came to using a custom sensor panel skin rather than the stock ROG options offered with AIDA 64. So after a couple hours of trial and error i was finally able to figure it out for the most part. If anyone is struggling with this id be more than happy to help. This is the first skin ive made. Im gonna start working on one thats a little more intricate. Any input including positive criticism is welcome. Also if you can help me with any improvements feel free to use this as a template. Also this is the first time ive ever posted in a public forum of any sort and i hope i dont sound like an idiot. Have a nice day GundamRyujin.ralcd
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