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Everything posted by Thunderbolt00

  1. I got a Beada Panel 6P recently and I just wanted to post about how good it is in case anybody's been wondering if they should get one Sure the screen isn't OLED but at about 70-80% brightness the black is dark enough against all your stats and graphs that you can't see the backlight shining through (when not looking at it from an angle anyway), it's matte so I'm not just looking at a reflection of my face all the time, and the machined aluminium case is far nicer than anything I could ever build myself. I did have a tiny problem where at first boot it would only show a black screen, even though it connected to AIDA and let me adjust the brightness, which initially made me think the unit was faulty, but it fixed itself when I just unplugged it and plugged it back again. This also happened after using the online Beada Tools utility to access the internal storage, but again a power cycle fixed it, and it doesn't happen after normal PC reboots so it doesn't really bother me. It sure as hell beats the kiosk mode raspberry pi + RemoteSensor I was using before, at least this one talks to the PC via the cable and not wifi 🙃
  2. I've just ran into the same issue, I would like to just pick the NIC by name instead of order, or some other identifier that stays the same. I believe you can get rid of the Wifi Direct adapters by disabling the wifi adapter entirely if you're not using it, though I have another issue myself now, using a virtual machine, or the Android subsystem creates a virtual network adapter which also knocks everything out of order...
  3. I just downloaded the latest AIDA64 trial to see if it can work as a replacement for different software, started setting up RemoteSensor LCD and ran into the same issue - I can read all sensors and modify the layout just fine, but the moment I try connecting to it (even by just opening localhost:port in my browser) the program crashes with no error message. Sometimes it will connect and keep working for a while, until I make any changes to the layout, which will make the browser refresh and crash AIDA Edit: I believe I've fixed it, or at least mitigated the issue. While trying to fix slow sensor reads I've done a Sensor Profiling Dump, which showed that my Corsair HX1500i PSU takes over 12 seconds to update sometimes, which I think was causing some sort of timeout and crash. Disabling HXi support under Stability seems to have fixed the connection issue for the most part
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