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Everything posted by Reg66

  1. Hmm, well I only really need 1 of each SSD/HDD panels top and bottom, so can save a little space there. Any tips on rescaling? Is just a case of altering the canvas size and then getting everything to fit? Also, to install/add font - to system or only in Aida64, how please? EDIT: nevermind, it's straight forward!! Sorry bud, I'm damn new to all this..
  2. Ooo nice!! Would it be a major hassle to change this to 1024x600? Could you share it, please... (sorry, I haven't a clue how to rescale these things...)
  3. Made a few extra tweaks, fonts and minor stuff. Purple/magenta is a bit brighter now too... Here is the final version if anyone wants Minimalistic panel_00 - 1024x600.sensorpanel
  4. I figured as I'm not gaming, FPS wasn't needed. Used the bottom right corner for other details now... My Minimalistic panel 4_1024x600.sensorpanel
  5. Yep, found that out, cheers!! Here's my take on the design.. My specs are well old lol, but I no longer game so it's good enough for me. Matches my custom cables
  6. Would you mind sharing this please...?
  7. For the love of God, can anyone tell me please if they know of this skin... It was screenshot with the screen I bought (1024x600) but for life of me i can't find it... been trawling through 100s of pages but still nothing. Is it just a previous version of Asus Ai Suite? I have version 3 and its skinned in red, but I badly want the bluey to suit my rig... Cheers
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