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I just bought the wigidash and attempting to get to work.   I'm getting the following error message:

Incorrected shared memory layout, No connection to Wigidash, make sure software is running.

The software is running.

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I think you made the same mistake I made as I didn't RTFM either. Excuse the rudimentary markup in the pic :). 

1. Open up Wigidash and create a new blank WigiDash.

2. Select 5x4 and drag the "AIDA64" box into the area denoted by 3.image.thumb.jpeg.3265975eae3e4d106834500f0181ec13.jpeg

From there you can go to step #2 :)

2. Launch AIDA64 software.

3. In AIDA64, open “Preferences”.

4. Under “LCD”, find the “Gskill” tab and check “Enable Gskill LCD support”

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