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Pixelhouse last won the day on June 21 2023

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  1. My first attempt at a sensorpanel. Resolution is 1280x480. This is a 6.8" LCD Screen named BeadaPanel 6P. It's still not finished, i would like to add a little background "noise" with some small elements here and there to fill in the areas in between the logo's and panels. The only thing i dislike is the fact that we cannot use animated gifs, i have the knowledge to make gifs, and would have liked to have each fan spinning slowly. Stat's it shows currently: CPU Usage % CPU Clock Speed CPU Temperature (graph) CPU Fan % (graph) (percentage is off on the AIDA64 software, works onscreen) ------------- GPU Usage % GPU Clock Speed GPU Temperature (graph) GPU Fan % (graph) ------------- Ram Usage % VRAM Usage VRAM Usage % (graph) GPU Fan % (graph) ------------- Date + Time ------------- FPS Counter ------------- 5 CaseFans + Usage % per fan (percentage is indicated by the green line, AIDA64 software does not show it, works onscreen) ------------- Hard Drive Usage for 2 Drives (if only using 1 drive, can use the 2nd line for drive activity) ------------- Total Download Size Total Upload Size Download Speed (graph) Upload Speed (graph) That's all, still work in progress, any feedback is appreciated.
  2. Hi, i created a design for myself and would like to share it with other, but i made my panel with the LCD-LCD Items option. But everyone here is sharing sensorpanels, and if i click export its a .belcd is there an easy way i can share it with you guys? Thanks in advance
  3. So i'm currently making my own panel which is almost finished, i would like to share it with you all afterwards, however my panel is made in the LCD menu, and i can import and export .belcd files but not .sensorpanel like most people are using, how would i go about that so my first release is not a complete screw up? 2. any easy ways without using rainmeter to make something animated? What sensor do most people use to consistenly fake an animation? I know how to animate or make custom gauges so thats not the issue but as gifs are not supported i would like to find a workaround that does not need a 3rd party app. (trying to add a spinning fan in my design) edit: also is there a list somewhere with all the macros/variables available currently? Like $MOBOMODEL or $CPUMODEL i have seen like the same 8 or something but there's probably more. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi, i'm using the same CPU (different motherboard - ROG STRIX X670E-E GAMING WIFI) and it seems that my cpu usage is mostly 0% unless the load is heavy, but on idle it always says it's at 0%, while HWINFO says it's mostly around 3/4% on idle. Could it be that there are still some sensors wrong? Using the latest beta version.
  5. Is there an example of what all the values can be in the animation.ini? I just changed the rotation, had to look somewhere to find to solution. But time format is not formatted in my time format so what options do i have? also like 'type', 'pattern'stuff like that are there more values to change or play with? Thanks
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