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Everything posted by poke_

  1. If by vector file you mean assets that you can resize while the quality remains, then no unfortunately it's not. I found a random frame I liked and traced it myself to the size I needed. If creating a vector file for that is not too impossible, I might look into it. Would also be very helpful for me as well. Also, if you'd like to have the frame asset I used in this (png), I have it attached here!
  2. Hu Tao (Genshin Impact) themed Sensor Panel, 480x1920 (Aspect Ratio 1:4) Gauges go from Red -> Green -> Cyan when full This is a different version of the one I posted a few weeks ago, changed the background image to something quiter and not as busy. If you'd like any of the assets feel free to ask Hu Tao 480 - 1920.pdn HuTao-480x1920_v3.sensorpanel
  3. Forgot to change the clock's font to Genshin's font. Also changed around the placement of the drive info and time + added date: Hu Tao 480 - 1920.pdn HuTao-480x1920_v2.sensorpanel
  4. Hu Tao (Genshin Impact) themed Sensor Panel, 480x1920 (Aspect Ratio 1:4) Gauges go from Red -> Green -> Cyan when full Not good at graphic design, I think the frames turned out pretty neat though Used Paint.NET for everything, I attached the .pdn file as well for the background image, in case anybody wants it HuTao-480x1920.sensorpanel Hu Tao 480 - 1920.pdn
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