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5150 last won the day on December 8 2023

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  1. your gonna have to do the foot work and search for it yourself. there isn't many, but there is a search option on top.
  2. Hello, I really like your Aida64 LCD Template. 

    If I want to use this template, can you share it?





  3. no need to DM .. the whole point of this is to automatically share the files. I'm the one that designed this. I hope your not trying to sell it.
  4. can't be done.. i use an old tablet to do the same and I have to do the same thing so I keep it outside the case. you would have to buy a screen that hooks up to the motherboard itself so you can place inside the case.
  5. I spoke of this about 5 to 10 pages back.. the issue ultimately is that the creator of the panel needs to have his/her desktop resolution set @100% scale before creating/editing an existing panel and sharing said panel. I had to do this to all the panels I have done.. this is currently the only way to make sure it doesn't happen. I have done this to make sure anyone that download my panels will not have this issue. Other than that, anyone that has this issue has to manually move every object/sensor to the correct place. it can be annoying but in a positive view, if your new to Aida64, this can be an opportunity to learn how these sensors work and possibly learn to create your own.
  6. im sure you can drop it to a lower resolution.. there are 1080p res panels. Unless you create one yourself.
  7. Created this in 1920x1080 and 1280x800. Both V1 and V2. Enjoy! Chinese800p V1.sensorpanel Chinese800p V2.sensorpanel 1287306938_Chinese1080pV1.sensorpanel 828218901_Chinese1080pV2.sensorpanel GeForce.zip
  8. CyberBlue revised @ 100%. 1920x1080 and 1280x800 versions CyberBlue 800p V1 revised.sensorpanel CyberBLue 800p V2 revised.sensorpanel CyberBlue 1080p V1 revised.sensorpanel CyberBlue 1080p V2 revised.sensorpanel GeForce.zip
  9. your best bet would be to drop it down to 1080p
  10. What do you guys think of this design?
  11. is the framing a vector file? if so can I have it, i'd like to do one with this frame design
  12. these panels have been redone @ 100% scale.. they should be perfect when you open them. both 1280x800 and 1920x1080. Enjoy White 800p V1 revised.sensorpanel White 800p V2 revised.sensorpanel White 1080p V1 revised.sensorpanel White 1080p V2 revised.sensorpanel GeForce.zip
  13. great!
  14. So I placed my resolution @ 100%. can someone test it out 1280x800 White 800p V1 revised.sensorpanel GeForce.zip
  15. Do you guys think if I place my windows scaling to 100% instead of which i normally have it at 175%, then save the sensorpanel file. you guys think it would work? or does it depend on the end-user to place their windows at 100%. Im still gonna try this out.. I placed my scaling @ 100% and deleted every sensor and recreating it and will upload it and see if this helps.. but any insight on this would help, thanks
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