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Everything posted by RoboCop1A

  1. Finally, with a frustrating days, was able to fix, adjust the wattage gauge I am working on. Took 9 instances, 130 images. Tested it on a game, never realized 120+ watts out of a power supply to play, then when PC is idle, to about 36 watts. Very interesting and wow.
  2. I have encountered a frustrating projects in past, and now I am dealing with a new one. As I play with this "CPU wattage" gauge, realizing, I do not think anyone has made a "CPU power" gauge, as I search internet and here in Aida64 forums. There is no tutorial on making a gauge past 0-15 States (more than one instances). I can understand why. If using more instances, for more states, have to use a blank, and then apply other. So, as a "Sensor Item", the CPU power is (well to me), accurate in numbers. But as a gauge for customs, the results are off, and not easy. I have only made 60 images for now (up to 90 watts), just to test. If I can get up to 120, then I can relax. Feeling I might have to give up on this project, and work on it in future.
  3. Ah, okay. I get it. Also my label needs fixing. My CPU max power ups to 105W. Intel goes higher. The min-max confuses me, using 0-15 images (pointer).
  4. Well I did try again, and the results are the same. I have notice you wrote to get "perfect accurate precision, you need to use 100 states gauges". How does a person apply 100 gauges? Is their a link to how?
  5. There is a section.. "Share your Sensor Panel". You will see pages, pages of Panels. After awhile you will end up figuring it all out, that you will end up making your own. Like I am doing right now, so I can share. My first one is in progress. Fun and awesome software.
  6. Thanks, so much, will work on this.
  7. Made another gauge for Aida64 panel. Calling this the "Lie Detector". Which kind of not. Getting better at these creations. They are easy, fun for me, but time consuming, that errors come in, that I have to redo. Well here it is, one showing with glass, and if you do not want glass, do not have to apply, or use it. Hope to see some wonders. Use "Graph" Then take it from there. I also gave settings to scale graph. * LieDetector.zip
  8. Up to 16
  9. Trying to make a old retro radio Aida64 panel. Having problems with increments "Min", "Max" numbers to use as the variables. I get different results. Right now "CPU power package "set at min "0" and max "200" and images show. I have changed Max sets at 100, 130, 160, 220, 240, and no matter what it is. The results are off. So I leave it at "200". Wonder what is going wrong.
  10. Well, no answer, but anyways. I did work on a Horizontal UV Panel. Their is even vertical ones as well. Took nights, and this all day today to finish one until 10PM (sat). I made the UV meter in a CGI program, and had to use a lot of math for increments (0-15) for the needle to balance out (X, Y, Z). The texture plate, I didn't know what font to use. This is my very first gauge (and a panel) I have made. Using a 1280x1024 monito (1 out of the three). I am new to this. So, bare with me. I am very happy with my creation. Eventually, will get better. Have fun 15HUVMtr200.zip
  11. Has anyone ever designed a horizontal VU meter as a gauge. I feel we need a "gauge idea" section. How would this even be made? Just 16 png images of the needle moving from left to right?
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