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  1. I agree to you Some people are selling or asking money for editing other's made panel. This forum is free but some greedy people making money from other's work without giving them a pie or credit all happening in the background LOL
  2. Hey tooooooo many wires Your setup looks as you are going to plan to land on Mars
  3. Thank you. I think you will keep this forum alive as you shared it for free otherwise people are finding new tricky ways to sell and promote their panels here too. Even they sell others work too !! Greedy people. Examples are on this page itself but admin will not do anything as they are biased with these people and appreciate them too. Irony Thank you for your support and your good looking work.
  4. Thank you. I would be more interested in knowing or learning how to make those boxes, boxes outline and deep looking shapes where sensors are running underneath
  5. I really liked this. Which software have you used for the background image? Any tutorials to build such good looking background (outline) boxes?
  6. This makes sense, separate for different mindset people
  7. Got the point. So it sounds kind of impossible with such tricks! @rinaldop also stopped reply so I got that it is not possible this way. Thank you
  8. Oh wow, you are the BEST as you know how to handle these calculations! I got the point and it does make sense that seconds can not be displayed and not feasible. But what about HOUR and MINUTE needles as it would be 12 Hours and 60 Minutes and my guess we can draw them as you said people using 100% accurate gauges with 100 pictures and they are successful too. Please try some calculations or give some spark about 12 Hours and 60 Minutes thing as it would be revolutionary hit! You and the other magician @Splash42 can only nail this buddy. Give it a hit plz!!
  9. V7 also not addressing this issue. Seems AIDA does not able to handle Ryzen 7000 series CPU till date? Now the new 8000 series is out. Still AIDA not able to do anything with previous series. Bad impression for AMD ryzen latest cpu users
  10. is this still handled or resolved?
  11. hmmmm I see, thank you buddy!!
  12. Thank you for the explanation. It makes sense and good to see your knowledge around this I was thinking if someone can draw a time clock with hour, minute and seconds hand by selecting time as a sensor and then using your red needles to show hour and minute and create thin needle to show seconds. It needs some calculations and I think you are the best to nail it If this can be done, it will create very nice time clock and can be animated beautifully as seconds will always tic tic tic. I searched all the pages and no one is trying to do this and adding digital clock time numbers only. you and the other guy @rinaldop are very active and pertains the best knowledge here so you guys can help with this darawing of time clock or at least can give some idea to spark others
  13. Is this thing using AIDA sensor panel Custom gauges for the display?
  14. Good Work with this day night thingy! I think you can answer this or can simply handle this too: 1. What numbers (min value max value) to be used if I want to show 12 hours of clock? 2. What numbers to be used if I want to draw 60 minutes for the clock? I am asking this to you as you are the only one to understand this puzzle as in solving here: https://forums.aida64.com/topic/667-share-your-sensorpanel/?do=findComment&comment=56797
  15. Thank you.
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