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  1. The resizing feature is huge! Great job to the team, it was much needed.
  2. Thanks for clarifying, @LeLoT3. I don't know if it was working as intended before the last update, I wasn't monitoring this parameter before. Still, my ratio is 8x instead 16x, so the same reasoning must apply, only halved for some reason. Hope the devs fix this.
  3. Try unpinning it and locking the position. I have found that feature to be inconsistent - every time I restarted my PC it would attach the panel to a different display, but by just locking position I never had it move again.
  4. Hi. I'm trying to display the VRAM clock speeds in a sensor panel, but the amount that AIDA64 reads is about 8 times smaller than what the Nvidia App shows. When AIDA64 says 50 MHz, Nvidia App says 405 MHz; when AIDA64 says 101 MHz, Nvidia App says 810 MHz; when AIDA64 says 1337 MHz, Nvidia App says 10701 MHz; etc. There is correlation between the two, since they both go up and down at the same time and with a fixed rate. Card is an RTX 4090. At first I thought it might be counting the speed for each individual memory chip, but then I checked the PCB and there's 12 chips (2GB each) in total, so x8 it doesn't make sense to me. Why could this be, and is there a way to make the reading match what the Nvidia App states? Thanks in advance.
  5. I'm having the exact same issue. Currently on v7.40. Nope, MSI.
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