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2Realist4U last won the day on January 2

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  1. Really sharp skin... excellent layout and aesthetics! Do you have any other skins?
  2. Phenomenal Skin!
  3. Very clean skin; great job. Thanks for sharing!
  4. Fantastic idea! Thanks for the update and the notification. Cheers!
  5. Thanks for your offer, but I ended up going in a different direction.
  6. This was a phenomenal, thorough, helpful, and well organized response. I took me forever to figure all this out -- I wish I had run into this wisdom when I first started using Aida64.
  7. Thanks for sharing your fantastic sensor panel. I edited into a ProArt theme, and would like to share it on Reddit, along with credit to you, and a link to your original post. Is this okay with you? Here's my redo version: 



  8. Thanks so much Fiery. Ends up, that my GPU rarely turns the fan on -- even at high temps. So it was my bad. Thanks again.
  9. I'm having an issue with the 4070 Ti; it's not showing the fan speeds. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. NOTE: I keep working on this and I'm on version 16 right now -- I updated the screenshot and source file accordingly. I reached out to OrzmadDT for permission to share this on a Reddit forum for ProArt builds.
  11. I'm trying to find your 1920x1080 skins but see a URL on your page. Please advise where I can purchase.

    2. 2Realist4U


      Got it; great work! IIs there any way to receive notification, if you release any new 1920x1080 skins?

  12. Nice! Is nobody on this forum?
  13. 1920x1080 11.5 inch TFT Touch Screen.
  14. [EDIT: Combined this post with the above post.]
  15. Aida64 ProArt 1920 Skin Thank you @OrzmadDT for this amazing skin: I augmented it for my ProArt build, and used PowerPoint -- so it's ridiculously simple to edit the background and icons (power point included). This skin looks pretty clean, but sneakily, it's measuring ~18 items. Really grateful for OrzmaDT's original work, that I could innovate from. [EDIT: I keep updating this skin; the most recent version can be found here:] https://flightsimpics.com/content/skin-aida64-proart-rog1920x1080.jpg https://flightsimpics.com/content/skin-aida64-proart-rog1920x1080.sensorpanel https://flightsimpics.com/content/skin-aida64-proart-rog1920x1080-ppt.png https://flightsimpics.com/content/skin-aida64-proart-rog1920x1080-ppt.pptx
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