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Everything posted by FrankieSeZ

  1. Hi, I am trying to rename the display ID that Aida assigned to my connected displays. For some reason it is labeling them 3, 4 and 5 and I would like them to be 1, 2 and 3. I cannot seem to find a way to do this, is there a way? I even uninstalled and reinstalled and still Thank you
  2. I downloaded a background someone posted here that I loved and worked from that. Second one Ive ever made, better than the first one lol. Thank you to Onra for the background he uploaded. I edited the background a bit and reused the gauges. Theme is just the components of my rig
  3. Absolutely LOVE this, my rig is a TUF themed lol. Are you sharing? Where can I download it?
  4. Hi, Just created my first sensor panel and for as basic as it is it took all day to make lol. Mind you I downloaded Aida yesterday and spent all day today making this so learning how to use the application had everything to do with how long it took of course. It's really just themed for the components in my rig for an 800x1280 resolution. I was absolutely blown away by some of the ones I have seen here by the more experienced and more creative users but maybe one day
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