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Everything posted by petrs

  1. The condition for the automatic update process of our Business edition (which is purchased due to use of the command line) is an automatic update using just the command line. Is this available in the Business edition? I am interceding for the download opportunity through the product key, not through the e-mail, because e-mail is in our institute (and in many other institutions) linked to buying person and not to IT administrators. Alternatively, the license could be linked to multiple e-mail addresses. PetrS
  2. Fiery, I do not understand why we have to download the trial version, when we have paid a license. So how can the user with a license to carry out a direct download of a zip file of the Business edition? It is the only way of an update, when I can automate the process using my script. PetrS
  3. Tthe link http://www.aida64.com/downloads/aida64business400zip does not allow to download the licensed update of the Business version (as was before, and as is for the other versions). PetrS
  4. Fiery, fixed Business Edition will be appreciated. Thanks, PetrS
  5. Fiery, fixed Business Edition will be appreciated. Thanks, PetrS
  6. Fiery, fixed Business Edition will be appreciated. Thanks, PetrS
  7. Fiery, also fixed Business Edition will be appreciated. Thanks, PetrS
  8. Thank you for the implementation of AVG 2013. It is detected now without problems using AIDA64 Business Edition v2.70. Regards, PetrS
  9. Fiery, thank you very much for the quick response. We will wait for a fix. PetrS
  10. Grisoft AVG 2013 has been released, and the problem is repeated. After upgrading form Grisoft AVG 2012 to the AVG 2013 no antivirus is detected using AIDA64 Business Edition. Both in the window security->antivirus and in the section antivirus of the output file is recognized no antivirus. Regards, PetrS
  11. Fiery, thank you very much for the very valuable assistance. As always, we again get perfect answers. PetrS
  12. Using the /safe option and RPF input file I get the output report file of 196 kB. Under these conditions scanning is done in 40 steps (seen at the AIDA64 tray icon). Without the /ssafe option and using the same RPF file as before I get the output report file of 2. 5 MB. Under these conditions scanning is done in 96 steps. For example, [ DMI ], [ CPUID ], [ ACPI ] and other unwanted sections are generated without /SAFE option. Fiery, if I well understand your previous response, unwanted sections at scanning in non /safe mode must be omitted from the RPF file. Is that so? PetrS
  13. Fiery, thank you for the valuable advice. It seems that my problem with SPD memory modules detection is not a bug. I apologize for the inappropriate section choice. Can you move this discussion to a more suitable section? Omitting the /safe option indeed ensure SPD detection, but at the expense of the considerable increase in detection of other unnecessary sections. Is there any alternative solution of my problem? Thanks, PetrS
  14. Fiery, my apology. I already understand, you wrote it clearly, but I read wrong. Thanks, PetrS
  15. Sorry, it does not make sense to me. The option /SAFE" will DISABLE or ENABLE SMBus support?
  16. This is my command line syntax: "d:\FinalWire\AIDA64 Business Edition\aida64.exe" /R d:\FinalWire\report\$HOSTNAME#$IPADDR[$MACADDR] /CUSTOM d:\FinalWire\rpf\test.rpf /TEXT /LANGCZ /SAFE Thanks, PetrS
  17. I have used: AIDA64 Business Edition, v2.50.2003 Beta/CZ; 2.7.421-x64, OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise 6.1.7601 (Win7 RTM). The RPF file used contains only one line "InfoPage="Motherboard;SPD". Unfortunately the result is empty like this: --------[ SPD ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Using the manual wizard (not command line approach, but with the same RPF file) the result is correct. Is it possible to fix it? Thanks. Regards, PetrS
  18. Why are predominantly beta version released only as the Extreme Edition? Would it be possible to release simultaneously also the Business Edition? Thenks, PetrS
  19. Link to download the latest AIDA64 Business Edition (beta) will be appreciated. Thanks, PetrS
  20. Please implement this partial fix to the AIDA64 Business Edition (beta). Thanks, PetrS
  21. Comodo Internet Security Premium 5.10.228257.2253
  22. Right now I have found that also Comodo Internet Security is not detected using AIDA64 Business Edition. Can I ask you to fix also this problem? Thanks, PetrS
  23. Fiery, thank you very much for the quick fix the problem. Version AIDA64 v2.30.1907 Beta (x32-2.7.398) detects antivirus AVG 2012 correctly. When will this be available as the stable version? Thanks, PetrS
  24. I'm sorry, but we have purchased Business Edition. Upgrade to the Extreme Edition is unsatisfactory.
  25. After upgrading form Grisoft AVG 2011 to the AVG 2012 no antivirus is detected using AIDA64 Business Edition. Both in the window security->antivirus and in the section antivirus of the output file is recognized no antivirus. Regards, PetrS
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