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Cmdr. ZiN

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  1. Hi Aida64 Team, I would purchase your software more often but when I click on the email I think is a good deal, I'm greeted at the website with a not so good deal. There's too much friction in the purchase so I just say, well I don't need to upgrade yet, it can wait. I often forget I can get a cheaper price if I switch to USD but I shouldn't have to, price should be the same between regions. If you get it below $20 - 25 AUD a year, I would probably always upgrade, because I like to support good software. At $35 AUD I probably will still upgrade even if I don't have to, but not as often. However I keep forgetting to look at the price in USD and I usually upgrade at $40 AUD most of the time. After writing this and spending far more time than normal on a purchase I worked out I can get it for the next 2 years at $27.17 AUD per year, so I'll probably do that. Still if you reduce the friction, I'll probably do it more often
  2. Nah, the OSD from Riva tuner works fine but AIDA 64 can't pull the data from a UWQ game for some reason. Issue is with AIDA 64 but they never got back to me and they assumed the issue is not on their side without looking at it closely enough. So far I've only found the issue in one game and I don't play it much anymore, I suspect it might affect other Windows store games. The work around is to bypass AIDA 64 and turn on the OSD.
  3. Any updates? Anything you'd like me to test? I've see a few people with this issue posting on other threads in the past and I'm sure this can be fixed if Afterburner can see the data from RTSS then so should Aida 64. I don't know if this is affecting all UWQ games or just Minecraft, I could possibly buy another to test if you want.
  4. I have RTSS installed as part of Afterburner but in the past I've installed it stand alone, same issue. I have today just updated RTSS to version 7.3.1, issue is still the same. I usually run RTSS with Afterburner not running in the background. I have experienced similar issues in the past before but I was using FRAPS then and older version of RTSS. I haven't experienced another similar issue for some time now that wasn't resolved by restarting the game after changing settings. Right now Minecraft for Windows is the only game I know of causing the issue. Many other games RDR2, GTA5, Cyberpunk and both new Dooms all have no issues and several others. I've tried Vulkan, OpenGL 4.5 and DirectX 12 without issue.
  5. MSI Afterburner 4.6.3 RivaTuner Statics Server 7.3.0 AIDA64 v6.32.5600 Both RTSS and MSI Afterburner can show FPS in Minecraft on in game overlay, only AIDA64 is set to 0 on my G19 keyboard. Aida64 works in most games even Minecraft Java, there was a render type it didn't work on in the past but that was fixed in a RTSS patch and I can't remember what it was maybe Vulkan or D3D12. Minecraft for Windows uses D3D12. I tried D3D12 in RDR2, both D3D12 and Vulkan work in RDR2 and show fine through Aida64 on my keyboard like most games. MSI Afterburner requires RTSS to display FPS, I imagine it's getting it's data from RTSS. Should it be possible to display the data from RTSS if MSI Afterburner can do it? Why can't AIDA64 do it for Minecraft for Windows 10?
  6. Thank you so much, it works perfectly now You guys have a very good support team and I feel buying AIDA64 was the best money I ever spent.
  7. My point is I don't care to see temps below 30, I would like the min set to 30 but I would also not like the bar to go to full. This should be a separate option, otherwise what is the point of allowing us to set a min temperature if it also causes the bar to go to 100% if temp actually goes below the min? For me it's all about scale, to use the bar for the more relevant temps and not mostly the ones I don't care about. I would actually have the min temp higher if I could. Wouldn't it be simple to implement a check box, "keep bar at 100% if below min temp" or just "keep bar at 100%"? I'm sure I'm not the only one that would like to see this implemented, I've just been putting up with it until now. Other than this I love everything else about AIDA64, apart from this AIDA64 is perfect. edit: Or a non linear mode would suffice.
  8. I've been trying to reduce the range of the bars when using them on my G19 for better visibility. However when it drops below min temp the bar goes full instantly, I'd like it to stay on the far left min. I think some people might like the option for the bar to remain the full length, but could this be a separate option? GPU2 has a min temp of 30 but the bar is full. I would set the min temp higher but then I'd experience this issue more often.
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