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Everything posted by bartgrefte

  1. Used AIDA64's contact form: "There is a hidden interface in AMD CPUs that can access this data. However, AMD strongly advises against using it due to potential instability issues. To ensure reliability, we have chosen not to implement this option in AIDA64."
  2. Same with a 7950X, per core temps in HWInfo and not in AIDA64 7.5, anyone got any idea why this happens?
  3. Thanks
  4. Can you upload it somewhere else, like attach it to your message? Tried downloading it from that website several times, download won't finish in Firefox. Chrome blocks it because it is "harmfull".
  5. Got it, and the display as well "The only trick is: install.exe of the AlphaCool driver package doesn't work properly, so you have to manually install the driver using Device Manager." Well, at first I installed alphaLCD_1.0.4.48_beta.exe in W7x64 with the display already attached. The driverinstaller that was automatically started (after installing the software) ended up freezing so I killed it using the task manager. After reconnecting the display and starting the Alphacool software, it works , didn't have to install the driver manually at all. Then I fired up a virtualized Windows 10x64, executed alphaLCD_1.0.4.48_beta.exe as admin (to prevend issues), which finished without problems. After that I connected the display to the virtualized W10, started the Alphacool software and.... Since that works, AIDA64 should be able to use it without problems, although I haven't tried that yet. (Ignore the computername and username, never thought of changing those after upgrading W8.1 to W10...)
  6. Woohoo ... Now waiting for shipment. But where can you find the *.inf file(s)? Both Alphacool_USBDisplay_Driver_v21.exe and alphaLCD_1.0.4.48_beta.exe can't be unpacked, already checked that. So if the installers don't work properly, how can you obtain the *.inf files that the Device Manager requires?
  7. I know (some) Vista drivers can work in W7, sometimes even in W8, but in W10? After Googling just now, I read it could work, but we're talking about a driver released in 2007, 2 years before Windows 7 was even released. That doesn't sound very good to me The internal (5.25" bay) picoLCD's are still made, last time I checked anyway, but not the external one. That one hasn't been made in years, according to the manufacturers website.
  8. Cheaper in the UK? I found an Ebay-store over there, but it's not cheaper after converting the GBP to EUR and shipment is higher than ordering it directly from Alphacool. Same problem here, also a G15 and looking for an alternative, preferably with a somewhat higher resolution and bigger/higher display. Just one country heading west (NL). My experience with lcd's, other than the one in the G15, is limited to hd44780 character displays hooked up to the no longer existing parallel port in the Windows 98/XP era (and Arduino's) and now I'm also looking for something that can be hooked up to USB and works with modern operating systems and maybe even with Windows 10. Unfortunately displays that meet those requirements seem to be hard to find. The Alphacool display did caught my eye, but besides that it's not cheap, I haven't been able to find out if it works in Windows 7x64 or newer. Since the most recent driver is from 2007, I have my doubts. As for the external picoLCD, that hasn't been available for years. I've spent some time looking for that one a while ago and I didn't limit my search to within Europe...
  9. I've been thinking about getting an AlphaCool LCD, but the outdated driver is holding me back. Does that old driver even work on (64 bit editions of) Windows 7 and Windows 10?
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