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thedotlair last won the day on July 10 2022

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  1. Has been discussed many times in this thread - that it goes against the spirit of the whole 'share' mentality. They've spotted a niche market, great for them, even though they advise others in the very same thread to make an e-commerce site to sell their wares too. Personally, it would be great to shuffle them off into a completely separate thread; but then they'd get salty as they wouldn't get the views that they do in this very thread and end up with no business. So, since that isn't going to happen, I add them to my ignore list.
  2. As somebody who is new to this thread, having arists offering 'paid content' in a thread named 'Share your SensorPanel' defies logic. You're not offering the intent of the thread, by sharing the panels, you're offering a paid for service - totally different TBH. Don't get me wrong, it's great that there are people offering their services for those who don't have the time/skills to create such things but surely it should be in a completely different thread? Or is the logic, from the selling artists, that it would get limited views and therefore no income on the work that they put time and effort into? I've taken inspiration from some of the panels in here and reused some of the elements from one creator who shared their panel (unfortunately I cannot remember their name but would happily tag them) but the thread becomes cluttered with paid for panels and then people asking for it to be shared
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