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Flexxx last won the day on February 25 2024

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  1. Hello fiery, thank you very much for the tip. Actually it works with the Aida version. Aida also stated in the chanellogs that it was implemented with the version. Thank you very much
  2. Tahoma
  3. Here is also a panel of mine in 1024x600 for the G.Skill WigiDash 2024-02-19_grey_lila_blue.gslcd
  4. I'm using the latest beta of Aida64, and unfortunately activating "Embedded Controller (EC) support" didn't help. But the PCH temperature can be read out, HWinfo can do it too! On my old motherboard Asus Crosshair x570 it read the chipset and VRM temperature. Is this no longer possible with the new B650E-E chipset?
  5. Hello, can someone tell me why Aida64 no longer shows temperatures for VRM and PCH chipset on an ASUS B650E-E ? Thx
  6. I have the same error. Need help because the driver cannot be installed under Win11. Please help us. THX
  7. Hello, is there a solution that you can use NZXT Cam and Aida64 at the same time?
  8. I don't quite understand what I have to do to be able to use the ARC Gauges. Can you explain me how to proceed so that I can use the ARC Gauge when accessing it on an external tablet or mobile via http. Thanks
  9. oh man what a shit thanks for the feedback
  10. Hello, is there any news about this? I also have problems getting NZXT Cam to work together with Aida64. As soon as the shit Cam software starts, the fan & pump data in Aida64 disappear! If I close the shit cam software, the data in Aida64 come back immediately.
  11. Hello I have a problem with Aida64 and the LCD Dispay AlphaCool. If I switch on the Asetek LC sensor support on Aida64 then sends the sensor values to the AlphaCool Dispay, the problem is that the fans always go up and down with the speed, there is a conflict somewhere! I can only halfway solve the problem in which I: 1: disable either the Asetek LC sensor support (but not in question because I need the values yes on the display) or 2: I disable the AlphaCool Dispaly in Aida64 under settings. But also not in question because I need the display so when I play games. there is some conflict with the data sent to the Dispaly. I hope you from Aida64 can give me a solution. Thank you and sorry for my bad english, i use the google translator. I am from germany.
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